Rhys is 10 months old!

To say that the last month of my son's life has blown me away would be an understatement. He went from pretty helpless to doing everything a "real person" does, only in this tiny little body. I laugh every time I see him walking around the house (holding on to furniture of course) because watching this tiny little body confidently grip, throw, smack, and climb is hysterical. In true second child form, he is just trying to keep up with everyone...

Eating:  EVERYTHING. I honestly haven't found anything he doesn't like. And he is good at chewing most things too, because he has 8 teeth! He seems to like "dinner" food best (pot roast, mac and cheese, steamed veggies, etc.) and is not as interested in his bottle. We are definitely beyond purees, but I still buy the pouches to make sure he has enough fruits and vegetables.

Into: Climbing the stairs so fast that we don't even realize what has happened (scary!) He also has a fascination with the bathtub, toilet, and I guess anything in the bathroom.

Loves: Our TV remote (and he watches the TV when he pushes the buttons to make sure he has changed whatever we are watching). He also crawls at super speeds when he hears the bath water, because he wants to get in. He is such a good boy at Target...my little shopping buddy!

Frustrated by: Anything that gets in his path. He will keep barreling through to move anything. He also despises wearing his winter coat in the car seat.

I can't believe our big guy is almost a year old! He is babbling a lot (says "Eeeee" when excited, "da da da da..." when happy, and "ma ma ma MA MA" when he wants something. I am anxious to see where he will be with standing next month, because he is experimenting with that now...slow down, buddy!


Nana said…
I don't remember this time flying by so fast with Larkyn. He will be walking in no time! I love his little personality.
Nana said…
Love the chubby little legs in his leg warmers!
Keith and Julie said…
Yes, ditto is an appropriate comment for Eva... even with the TV remote and shopping. She has that penguin bib, too. I'm happy to be running parallel lives of our children with you!
Desiree said…
STAIRS!! I hate the stairs; Andrea can climb up so fast I swear I blink and she's at the top. And of course our stairs are dumb so I can't put a gate at the bottom so I'm stuck wedging the couch cushion on the step so the kid doesn't kill herself.

Andrea is cruising too and she is ridiculously proud of herself that she can stand alone. You should see her smirk, like Yeah I'm standing, I'm pretty much a badass and I know it. :-)

These babies! :-)